Checkmk GmbH

Remote Jobs bei
Checkmk GmbH

Aktuell 5 offene Homeoffice Jobs bei Checkmk GmbH – Mai 2024.

Checkmk GmbH is a growing tech company that creates Checkmk, a leading hybrid IT monitoring software for both cloud and traditional infrastructures. The company has expanded from 20 to over 150 employees in the past four years, with colleagues working remotely from various locations including Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain, Poland, and the US. They have a strong team culture that values autonomy, flat hierarchies, and positive collaboration.

  • Checkmk GmbH

    Product Owner (m/f/d) SaaS Platform Team

    bei Checkmk GmbH
    • Homeoffice deutschlandweit
    • 100% Homeoffice oder München
    • Vollzeit

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