
Remote Jobs bei

Aktuell 1 offener Homeoffice Job bei Blinkist – April 2024.

Blinkist connects people with powerful ideas from leading authors and experts to broaden perspectives, gain knowledge, and spark understanding in all areas of their life, both personal and professional. Used by over 28 million people worldwide, Blinkist distills the key ideas from the most relevant, impactful books and podcasts. These can be read or listened to in 15-minute summaries, that we call Blinks. Together with Go1, our parent brand, who gives organizations and their employees access to the largest curated e-learning library on the planet, we’re on a mission to reach one billion learners as we unlock positive potential through a love of learning. ✨

  • Blinkist

    Growth Marketing Manager

    bei Blinkist
    • 100% Homeoffice oder Berlin
    • Vollzeit

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