Homeoffice Videoschnitt Jobs

Aktuell sind 2 Homeoffice Videoschnitt Jobs in Österreich für April 2024 ausgeschrieben. Auf zuhausejobs.com findest du ausschließlich verifizierte 100% Home Office Jobs.

  • Arbitrage Media GmbH

    Graphic Designer / Video Editor (m/w/d)

    bei Arbitrage Media GmbH
    100% Homeoffice
    13.000€ – 20.000€ / Jahr
    • Arbitrage Media GmbH is seeking a talented Graphic Designer / Video Editor to create high-performing ads for their e-commerce clients on Meta, TikTok, and YouTube
    • You will work closely with a creative strategist, utilize Adobe Suite programs, and stay up-to-date with social media trends to produce visually appealing image, video, and animation ads
    • Create image, video, and animation ads using Adobe programs
    • Experience with Graphic Design and Video Editing using Adobe Suit (Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator etc.)
    • Access to 100+ hours of digital marketing course video content
  • Arbitrage Media GmbH

    Graphic Designer / Video Editor (m/w/d)

    bei Arbitrage Media GmbH
    100% Homeoffice
    $13.000 – $20.000 / Jahr
    • Arbitrage Media GmbH is seeking a talented Graphic Designer / Video Editor with a passion for creating high-performing video and image ads for top-tier DTC e-commerce brands
    • Utilize Adobe programs to create image, video, and animation ads
    • Experience with Graphic Design and Video Editing using Adobe Suit (Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.)

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